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Rahul Singhmar
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Topic includes
- Job Evaluation
- It's features
- Process of job evaluation
- It's methods
- Their explanations
Job evaluation
It is the rating of jobs in an organization . This is the process of establishing the value or worth of jobs in a job hierarchy. It attempts to compare the relative intrinsic value or worth of jobs within an organization.
It is a detailed and systematic study of job to determine the tasks,skills, knowledge and responsibility required for their successful performance.
Features of Job Evaluation
- Job Evaluation helps to rate the job.
- It tries to assess jobs, not people.
- The standards of job evaluation are relative, not absolute.
- Job Evaluation are carried out by groups, not by individuals.
- It does not fix pay scales but provide a basis.
Process of Job Evaluation
-Gaining acceptance
-Creating Job Evaluation Committee
-Finding the job to be evaluated.
-Analysing and preparing job description.
-Selcting the method of evaluation
-Classifying the job
- Installing the programme
-Reviewing periodically.
There are four Job Evaluation methods
Two are non - quantitative
1. Ranking Method
2. Classification method or grading method.
Two are quantitative method
1.Factor comparison method
2. Point rating method
Job Ranking
Perhaps the easiest method that Beth can use for job evaluation is the job ranking method. This method involves putting all jobs in an organization in rank order of importance based upon their contributions towards the achievement of an organization's goals. Beth may perform the ranking herself after performing a job analysis of each position or bring in subject matter experts more familiar with the jobs. For example, a marketing analyst will receive a higher ranking than a janitor.
Grade Description Method
In this method, the jobs are classified in groups of difficulty,equal skills, responsibility and other requirements. It may be production job, a sales job or an office job, each job family can be broken into a number of grades.
For example
Production jobs may be classified into five grades namely 1 to 5 . Grade 1 involves simple tasks requiring less skill precision and accuracy, while grade 5 involves skilled precise and highly accurate work.
The Point method
The point system is a widely used method. It is based on grading the jobs into a number of factors which in turn are subdivided into grades. Certain points is assigned to each grade. When such points for all the factors are added they indicate the importance of the job in the organization.
It decides the major steps:
1. Decide the type of job to be evaluated.
2. Select and define job factors which may vary from five to ten. Few factors are,
Working Condition
Factor comparison method
Paired comparison
1.Draw a chart or create one using a spreadsheet software program. You will need an equal number of rows and columns.
2.Leave the top left corner cell empty.
3.Fill in the headers for each column, starting with the space to the right of the blank cell. In each cell, write or type a position in your company, working from left to right. If you have several of the same positions, write down the position only once. Order is unimportant; go with random or alphabetical.
4.Fill in the headers for each row, starting with the space below the blank cell. In each cell, write or type a position in your company, working from top to bottom. Write them in the same order you wrote them in Step 3.
5.Compare the first position, the one listed immediately below the blank space, to each position to its right. Don’t compare a position to itself; put an “X” in that space. For each comparison, write a “1” if the job listed in the first position of the row ranked higher than the one to the right. If the one to the right is ranked higher, place a “0” in that cell.
6.Add up the row.
7.Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each row.
8.Rank your positions. The position with the highest total is the top-ranked position. In case of ties, the position that received the “1” in the head-to-head ranking should be ranked higher.
Wage curve
Wage curve represents the relationship between level of the wage and the unemployment.
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