
Applied Physics and Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Drawing-II, Communication Technique

Applied Physics, Elements of  Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Drawing - II, Communication Technique - II  question papers 

Applied physics


Attempt for 2 marks

- What's Homogeneity Principle?
- What is Doppler effect?
- what is sodium lamp?
- write the full form of laser.
- write some examples of ultrasonic waves.
- write the audible sound limit.
- what is plane polarised light?
- write two applications of semiconductor.
- write the principle of superposition.
- what is binding energy?
- any question based on dimensional formula
- what is interference and polarization?

Attempt for 4 marks

- define the terms telephoto and zoom lens.
- describe radioactivity, half Life and nuclear fusion.
- write a short note on hazards of nuclear radiation.
- what is piezoelectric effect and nuclear chain reaction.
- what is stationary wave explain it.
- what are the application of homogeneity principle.
- differentiate between accuracy and precision.

Attempt for 20 marks

-describe eyepiece and its defect with correction.
- describe the ham janati principle with its verification give its example.
- explain Doppler effect with example.
- describe OHP aur film projectors any one.
- explain Sonar with its best applications and examples.
- define laser and explain ruby laser.

Another set

Attempt any 10 questions 

- write the dimensional formula of force and pressure.
- define the term accuracy.
- define the terms frequency velocity and wavelength.
- what is half life cycle.
- what is cold welding and pitch.
- Light year is a unit of .......
- what is pitch and reverberation.
- what is radio transformation.
- what is sound and light waves.
- write conditions for good acoustics.
- what is transverse and longitudinal waves
- what is interference of wave
- what is ultrasonic waves
- what is the effect of temperature on silicon and germanium structure

Attempt any five questions

- what is percentage and absolute error.
- Explain Brewster's law?
- differentiate between nuclear fission and fusion with example.
- Show 1 N is equals to 10^5 dyne using dimensional method.
- list the characteristic features of laser.
-what is node and antinode?
- discuss about radioactivity and half life.

Attempt for 20 marks

- 1 numerical based on the conversion physical quantities from one system of unit into another physical system.

- explain construction and working of nuclear reactor with diagram.

- state and explain the principle of superposition waves.discuss its application to interference beats and stationary waves.

- describe the method for production of ultrasonic waves by magneto structuring and properties of ultrasonic wave.

- describe interference and young's double slit experiment.

- differentiate between conductor insulator and semiconductor.

-  Read Acoustics chapter from my blog mostly important topics are there from this chapter

Mostly u find from my blog..

For any query visit contact page and contact me..

Learn all these for attempting all questions in exam .

  For your help I am available. 


May / June 2015 

                 Elements of Mechanical. Engg.

Attempt for 2 marks 

- By which material Piston compression rings are made.
- what is dryness fraction.
- what do you mean by free air.
- write four applications of gantry crane.
- power is the product of......
- what is the main functions of superheater
- at very low temperature at which melting and boiling point of water becomes equal and what is it called.
- which type of compressors used in turbine
- what is the range of compression ratio in diesel engine.
- what is pitch point.
- how slip occurs in belt drive.
- what is the main function of compressor?
- what is the number of revolution of the crankshaft in four stroke of a spark ignition engine? Write in short .
- CNG and LPG rate full form.

Attempt for 4 marks

- find the expression for length of chain in Chaim drive.
- what are the basic difference between open cycle gas turbine and closed cycle gas turbine?
- what is difference between simple screw Jack and compound screw Jack?
- explain about the four strokes of engine.
- write in brief about use of Mollier diagram.
- differentiate between involute and cycloidal profiles of gear teeth.
- differentiate between internal fired and external fired boiler .
- write working principle of centrifugal compressor.

Attempt for 20 marks 

- a. Explain the methods of governing of Parsons turbine.
b. Reaction turbine has degree of reaction is 50 percentage ( parson's reaction turbine) and running at 600 RPM develops 10 MW using 10 kg per kilowatt hour of steam flow rate. They exit angle of the blades is 18 degree E and the velocity of steam relative to the blade at exit is 1.5 times the mean peripheral speed point at which particular stage in the expansion the pressure is 1.2 bar and steam quality is 90%.

- a. Following data of gear and pinion are given.

Module= 8mm  pr angle = 20 degree 
No of teeth on gear (T) = 60, No of teeth on pinion (t) = 20. If the  addenda on the pain and gain are equal to one module find
i. Path of approach
ii. Path of recess
iii. Path of contact
iv. Area of contact
v. No of pairs of teeth in contact

b.  find the expression for the ratio of tension in rope drive if angle of groove on pulley is 2beta .

- a. Inner lifting machine it was found that the effort was moved by 300 mm to lift a load by 10 mm.  This machine is used to lift a load of 50000 Newton by an effort of 2000 Newton. Find

i. Velocity ratio of the machine
ii. Mechanical advantage
iii. Efficiency
iv. Ideal effort and
v. Effort lost in friction

b. Explain working of hydraulic Jack and hydraulic lift.

- a. Show that centrifugal pump is just reverse of Francis turbine.
b. Explain the construction details and working of babcock boiler with diagram.

- a. Explain working of magneto ignition system with diagram point
b. Explain working of simple reciprocating compressor with sketch.


Attempt for 2 marks

-what is a gear drive?
- what is gear train?
- what are the advantages of friction clutch?
- define the circular pitch of gear tooth.
- steam boiler cannot be operated without......
- In economics the heat utilised.
- accessories increase the efficiency of boiler is it true or false.
- pressure gauge records absolute pressure of steam is it true or false.
- what is the steam turbine?
- torque produced by turbine is almost uniform true or false.
- Parsons turbine is the first reaction turbine invented is it true or false
- what is friction displacement?
- spark plug is fitted on diesel engine or petrol engine choose one
- The bulldozer is specified by....

Attempt for 4 marks

- write a short note on belt drive stating the materials used in it.
- compare flat belt drive with the v belt drive.
- what is the difference between mounting and accessories question mark
- differentiate between low pressure and high pressure boiler.
- write a short note on kaplan  turbine.
- how the IC engines are cooled?
- draw a neat sketch of screw Jack.

Attempt for 20 marks

- a. A pulley of 30 cm diameter running at 200 RPM drives a shaft by a belt drive which makes 300 RPM. If a pulley is fixed on the driving shaft determine its diameter.

b. The axis of two parallel shaft are 6 CM apart. They are to be connected by 2 gears with speed ratio 3 ratio 1. what are the pitch diameter of the years if the shaft rotates in opposite direction.

-  explain the help of neat sketch construction and working of water level indicator and stop valve.

- a. Discuss the  classification of steam turbines.
b.describe with the help of neat sketch the construction and working of carburettor.

- a. What is the difference between diesel engine and petrol.

b. explain the need sketch of the construction and working of simple reciprocate in compressor.

- describe with line diagram the construction and working of any two of the following

a. Concrete mixer
b. Shovel
c. Scraper

For any query or dout contact us
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Electrical Drawing - II


                                     3k- BSN- 9

Attempt all questions

1. Draw the following views of the spigot and socket cotter joint with parts assembled in their working position. Fig 1 shows the joint.
a. Front view.                                             15
b. Top view.                                                 15
c. End view.                                                 10


a. draw the sectional front view and top view of a double cover double riveted butt joint for 25 mm thick plates. Showing the rivets in zigzag arrangement, calculate the diameter of the rivet.

b. draw the following types of general purpose private had taking diameter of rivet 30 cm.

b.a. pan head
b.b. Flat counter sunk head
b.c. mushroom head


2. Sketch the following

a. Gib head key
b. Feather key
c. Capstun nut with a dia 16mm
d. Union pipe joint 

3. a. Sketch the following

a.a. Buttress thread
a.b wing nut
a. c. Unprotected type flange coupling


b. Draw the view of square headed bolt, nut and washer assembly of size M 30× 2.5 × 120.


a. Draw the illustrations and symbols of following types of welding joint.

I. Single level butt weld
II. Single J butt weld
III. Single U butt weld
IV. Spot weld

b. Sketch the following.

I. Expansion type of pipe joint.
II. British association thread
III. Split muff coupling.


                          Communication Technique

                                       3K - BDSN - 1A

• Attempt for two marks 

1. Attempt any 10 of the following questions in two or three sentences each.

a. What is two way communication? Give two examples..
b. Why should there be a covering letter along with resume?
c. What is a memorandum?
d. Mention two important characteristics of a precis.
e. Define a display advertisement? Give an example.
f. How is formal letter different from informal letter?
g. What is a notice?
h. Name four barriers to communication.
I. Why is feedback necessary in public speaking?
J. Why is body language important in public speech?
K. Give two limitations of written communication.
L. Mention two important purpose for which we write formal reports.
M. Write two advantages of oral communication.
N. Give four examples of visual aids.

2. Attempt any five of the following questions for four marks each.

a. Imagine that you are the general secretary of the executive committee of swadeshi cooperative stores, jodhpur. Prepare a notice for the third meeting at a particular place, time and date.

b. How does noise act as a barrier?

c. You have completed your diploma. You wish to open a coaching centre for young students. Write a classified advertisement in about 20 words giving necessary details.

d. What are the 7cs of communication? Explain any two.

e. Write a press release on the inauguration of the international trade Fair at pragati maidan New Delhi.

f. Give the advantages of face to face Communication.

g. Write a short note on non verbal communication.

h. Write a short note on the importance of facial expression in Communication.

3. Attempt any three of the following for 20 marks each.

a. You are puneet Jain / shikha swami. apply for the post of a sales engineer against an advertisement " wanted diploma holders in electronics to work as sales engineer in SISCO electronics Ltd. A-23 Daryaganj, New Delhi.

b. prepare a report on annual function organised in your college. Give details of the arrangements, local MLA as your chief guest, cultural programs, prize distribution, response of the students.

c. Write a letter to Aman publication House, Nai Sarak, New Delhi, asking him to send the catalogue along with the terms and conditions for the purchase of books for the library.

d. You are Rohan/ Rajni Sharma of B - 40 Deepali Apartment, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi 110092. You are concerned about the regular feeling of trees in your area. Write a letter to the editor of a reported newspaper expressing your anguish and further requesting him to draw the attention of the public on the issue.

e. Make a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title.

Ahimsa or non violence towards life, which includes all plants and animals, provides India with its basic philosophy which early Hindu philosophers and later sages such as Buddha, mahaveer and Mahatma Gandhi spoke of Buddhist and Jain philosophy is intrinsically woven around non violence and the Great value of all forms of life. it brings in the notion that animals are not to be viewed purely for their utility value but a part of the earth oneness which is linked with our own leaves. In India philosophy, the earth itself is respected and venerated. In contrast, in western thought, nature is to be subjugated and used. these are basic differences in thinking process. Several modern philosophers in West have now begun to see these Eastern patterns of thought as a new basis for human development. This shift from a purely utilitarian  exploitation of nature to one of harmony with nature, can however only occur if each of us understand and respect natures great 'oneness'.
